Humanitarian or Stupid Migration of Refugees.

January 27, 2016

Humanitarian or Stupid Migration of Refugees.

Humanitarian or Stupid Migration of Refugees.A friend sent me the below message on facebook Being humanitarian by nature I can understand anyone who feels the need to help others. I have to wonder though how many people women especially are really kee to bring in refugees or migrants who will in some cases behave as those described i my friends message?

Hallo dear Linda,-
I hope and wish for you a HAPPY NEW YEAR in Jersey !
For the most Germans the New Years Eve (Silvester) began with a shock:
In several big towns like Cologne,-approxm.1000 arabic men had met at the Cologne railway Station,where lots of Germans were celebrating Silvester. Then suddenly groups with large number of men started to hunt for german women and then surrounded them.Then this arabic men and asylum seekers began to touch the women sexually against their will,-and some men tried also to tear off the women`s clothes from their bodies,-against their will. Three women got raped and over 200 women sexual abused.170 get robbed their money and mobile phones….. WHERE HAVE BEEN THE POLICE?
The Police President of County Nord Rhein Westfalen,sent only 150 policemen to this place. The policemen did as much they were able,-but with only 150 against 1000 Arabs …? Yesterday the Police President was sacked.The next scandal was/is : Policemen whistleblowed that they got “HIGH”order not to tell anything about this terrible Event in public.But because they have been so angry about the fact,that they have not been enough policemen ,-they couldn`t help every screaming and crying woman….-they needed to talk about this . They also got the order if they have to write a Report about this, NEVER use the expression “refugee” or “asylum seekers”. I have the supposal that our DEMOCRACY in Germany get A catholic Bishop wrote,that the Life for the Germans will Change a lot.We couldn`t expect the same freedom we were used before.And that we have to share a lot with the refugees…??? Some demonstrations took part,-the best was the women Demonstration in Cologne a few days ago.LINDA,I`m still a believer in Democracy,and I was so proud that Germany THIS TIME helps poor refugees and People with other religion and culture. And my plan was to help in my freetime in a refugee-accommodation . But since these terrible Silvester Events of Cologne,- I only want to save my life. NO woman in Germany has deserved to get used by asylum seekers and arab migrants as a SEX-TOY. Please keep your Jersey borders closed. And I hope,that Prime Minister Cameron will watch the Situation here in Germany,- and wait for the results of the british Referendum,-before he “invites” ref………s. I HOPE the Situation in Germany becomes better. Today they reported,that they want to make an intensification of sexual criminal law and an intensification of asylum rights. Criminel asylum seekers will have to leave Germany-destination back home